Thursday, November 15, 2007


I am no longer here
My shadow is all that remains,
I have held a tear
Of which I fear, no more
Shall I refrain.

The shadow's there--
but cannot speak,
It's musty and cold
And very meek.

But it, too, will die
By and by when the
Sun comes out into the sky.


Anonymous said...

Well done MoonShadow. Many kudos. Your work is excellent.

Moonshadow said...

Thank you, JD. I appreciate your coming by and leaving a comment.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the optimistic note, which is very rare for me. Also, it is nice to see someone who is not afraid of rhymes.

Moonshadow said...

Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment. I have a hard time reading poems that don't rhyme. To me, Prose doesn't rhyme, but poems need to have a rhythm and I have a difficult time finding that rythm without the rhyme.