Saturday, September 29, 2007


I listen, but do not hear.
I have sight, but cannot see.
I talk, but am unheard.
I touch, but cannot feel.
I am free, but am a prisoner of my mind.
There is light, but walls of darkness surround me.
I am alive, but do not live.
I am alone in a world full of people.
I walk, but only in circles.
I call, but no one answers.
I am human, but am treated like an animal.
I smile, but feel tears in my heart.
I seek love, but find only hate.
I write letters that no one ever receives;
I write poems that are never read;
I write songs which are never sung.
I reach out, but find no help.
I cry tears that are never felt.
I find happiness in dreams only.
I fight a lost battle that never was.
When I have the will I find not the way.
When I find the way all will has escaped.
I still write although it will remain unread.
I write in the hope that, someday, someway,
..........the blind, will see, the lame
..........will walk, the deaf will hear,
..........the dumb will speak, and the
..........innocent shall be set free.


Meghna said...

Hi Moonshadow,

A very touching poem indeed! Great writing style and fabulous expressions!

keep blogging!

Moonshadow said...

Hi Megna!

Thanks for coming by!

"Nothingness" has always been one of my favorite compositions. I'm glad you liked it.